Making amazing things with
computers since 2019.

Breaking things too x3

Tools of the Trade

Here is a comprehensive list of technologies we've used in projects.


The first solution to use JavaScript server-side. It powers this site; and many others like Apple, Twitter, and more.


My favorite language to write code in. It's type safe and can be compiled into JavaScript to be used anywhere.


React is a frontend JavaScript library that allows for very flexible and extendable web apps. It runs this site with it's reusable components and advanced features.


A framework to use React for high traffic, production web applications. It powers this site with it's use of server side rendering.


A very popular and powerful relational database, that's been tried and tested since 1996.


A document-based, no-SQL database for modern applications.


A next generation JavaScript and TypeScript interpreter like Node.js, but written in rust using the V8 engine. It aims to be fully compatible with browsers and Node.

Web Sockets

A web standard that allows for instantaneous delivery of data to and from clients and servers.


A fast, extendable, in memory, database. Mainly used as a cache; but can be used as a primary database.

Raspberry Pi

A credit card sized, ARM based computer for low power, mobile computing.


Really fast and powerful interpreted programming/scripting language


Memory-safe, low-level programming language with FFI support and a great compiler and community.


Asynchronous processing library for rust that implements modern paradigms and conventions.


Advanced http(s) server library for rust, built on tokio.


If you don't care about back story or are bored by big walls of words, you can skip this section.

Since we got our first computer when we were 12, we always wondered about how computers worked. This lead us down the rabbit hole of writing code. Our first real project was a Discord.js bot that was cobbled together from many different tutorials and it had a lot of bugs. It did however, teach us a lot about writing JavaScript and using Node.js.

Then we wondered about creating a web dashboard, like a lot of other Discord bots. This got us into using React, and later using MongoDB. This started our web development career. Although that project is long gone into the depths of the digial void, it was the starting point for us. And we hope to share what we've learned using this website.

We're always still learning, and we hope to learn more. - Reboot/Fitz 🎉